We love these little powerhouse legumes! Did you know that chick peas are loaded with vitamins such as riboflavin, vitamin A, and niacin? As well, they are a great source of protein, fiber and folic acid. These little bites contain nearly all the amino acids and and nutrients that are necessary to help you stay healthy. What more can we say? Eat chick peas!

With such an incredible little complex carbohydrate, we needed to play around with different menu options. One of our favorites became roasting chickpeas and this morphed into different flavours. Below you’ll find FOUR different recipes to add a twist to your roasted chickpeas. The method is the same and only the ‘flavour’ ingredients change.

We love to eat these plain as a snack or top on a salad, add them to nachos, roll them in a wrap, top them on a stirfry…the options are endless as to where you can add them.

The recipe includes directions for both baking in your oven but also using an air fryer. We’ve been playing around with Pampered Chef’s Air fryer this week and love the way they have turned out in the rotating basket. However, don’t worry! Your oven can prepare these little morsels as well.

Alright, once you’ve washed the chickpeas well, lay them on a towel to pat dry. We also suggest leaving them to air dry afterwards for about 1/2 hour before roasting. This ensures a crispy end result. Pick your favorite flavour. The following pictures will walk you through the process and then you can decide which recipe to try!

Roasted Chick Peas
Course: SnacksDifficulty: Easy2
minutesThese little bites are packed with a nutritional punch! Have fun roasting them with different flavours and bringing a new crunch to your menu.
2 cup canned chick peas (540ml)
- Maple Cinnamon
2 tbsp maple cinnamon
1 1/2 tbsp sugar
1 1/2 tbsp cinnamon
- Cheesy Dill
1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp garlic powder
1 tsp dill
1 tsp salt
- Salt and Vinegar
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tbsp salt
- Masala Curry
2 tbsp olive oil
3 tsp garam masala
2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp salt
- This recipe will show directions for both roasting the chick peas in the oven or in an air fryer.
- If BAKING, preheat the oven to 425°F
- Rinse chick peas well under water. Lay on towel and pat dry. Leave to fully dry for approximately 1/2 hour. This will ensure a crispier chick pea in the end. Remove any loose skins you might find on the towel or hanging around…but don’t worry about peeling every single chickpea! Only if they’re already off.
- If BAKING, spread flat on baking sheet and bake for 40 minutes. Stir half way through.
If AIR FRYING, use rotating basket if available and fry for 25 minutes. - When baking complete, pour into medium bowl and add whatever recipe’s ingredients are needed for the desired flavour. Stir to coat chickpeas well.
- If BAKING, pour back onto baking sheet and bake for additional 15 minutes.
If AIR FRYING, pour back into rotating basket and fry additional 10 minutes. - When finished BAKING, or AIR FRYING, use to top salads, add to wraps, top on nachos, or simply pour in a bowl for a crunchy snack.
- Try all four flavours and find your favorite! Stacey and Meg
We promise this recipe can be prepared either in your oven or if you’re lucky enough to have an Air Fryer it works great. We’ve been playing around in our Pampered Chef Fryer and love it’s ability to roast these chick peas! Either way, you’ll have a great new crunchy bite.