Tag: holiday

Holiday Stuffing

We at CUT promised to make your Christmas feast gluten-free amazing…so we knew stuffing definitely couldn’t be left out!  What a random and yet incredible side dish, isn’t it?  Really now, who thought to cut up bread, add some spices and fill the insides of a turkey or chicken…?!?  Or […]


The potatoes are so good on their own…but seriously, what’s Christmas dinner without gravy!?! Onto the (gluten-free) gravy recipe! What’s in those little packages of gravy mix anyways? It’s a bit scary to look at the ingredients, and recognize whats what…not to mention most include gluten.  Our recipe for gravy […]

Grandma’s Sugar Cookies

Oh those little sweet sugar cookies…those amazing bites of pure bliss. A simple cookie that can literally stop the world around you for that one moment as you take a bite, close your eyes and let yourself indulge. Before we continue, did we mention yet that we LOVE sugar cookies? […]