
Whipped Shortbread

Shortbread! Who doesn’t love shortbread? Is there anything truly more magical at Christmas!?! We think not. Whipped shortbread has a way of appealing to every age, every taste and every Christmas party. Even as we sit here, and begin to think about how to describe its incredible angelic texture and […]

Canadian Heritage Buttertarts

Merry Christmas butter tart! We honestly both can’t remember a Christmas where these little delicious, buttery pies didn’t make an appearance on the families baking tray. Truly a Canadian wondrous treat, we’re proud to carry on our families tradition. Our families don’t even all love raisins yet these tarts can’t […]

Pie Crust

Keep your fork, there’s pie! What is it about pie? Why do we all seek out pie shops, dessert bars and strive to make the perfect pie? Because it’s simply AMAZING. Pie is a dessert that stands alone. With it’s buttery, flaky crust; bursting with it’s many fruit, cream or […]

Grandma’s Gingerbread

Christmas time, Christmas parties, Christmas fun and activities…It all sounds amazing right? To a child that can’t eat gluten, whether they’re celiac or have a gluten sensitivity, it can be a terrifying thing to navigate. The thought of all the baking and treats, bringing “their own” food to a party, […]