CUT Cooking Gluten Free Flour

Vanilla Cake

May is ‘the birthday’ month in both our families. Hands down, it’s the busiest, most popular times to have a birthday! It seems like everyday from May 1 thru May 30 we could celebrate someone special to us. This blog is dedicated to doing exactly that! We know there are […]

Celiac Canada Spring Edition Magazine Highlight

We’re so excited to be a part of Celiac Canada’s latest magazine! As we look back on the month of May- a month in which brings awareness to Celiac Disease, we are inspired to equip the gluten free community even more! We thought we’d post a copy of the article […]

Coffee Loaf

This traditional sweet bread has become one of our families favourite loaves. It’s the perfect loaf to slice as a snack or pack in a lunch box. It’s also so easy to make and uses ingredients you probably have in your pantry! Don’t let the title mislead you though if […]

Red Velvet Whoopie Pies

Valentines Day was coming and we wanted to make something special. Something that wasn’t the typical Valentines chocolate, and so…these amazing whoopie pies were created. Fueled by our love for cookies, love for cream cheese icing and of course – love for everything red velvet. What could be better than […]

Banana Bread

Banana bread. Yum. Need we say more?!? It’s a staple in many homes…And most have an undying love for this sweet and wholesome loaf. It serves as fuel for breakfast, lunch, snacks, and we’re sure even for the odd dinner it’s snuck into bellies! Within the CUT kitchen, we knew […]