Not Always Breakfast

Apple Spice Muffins

The holidays are coming and lazy mornings are an order:) There’s not much better then heading downstairs to freshly baked muffins and pouring yourself that first cup of coffee…unless your muffin is made from coffee!! We did it! The lazy mornings can begin. We have created a muffin loaded with […]

Bearnollandiase sauce

We know, we know….you’re all reading the title of our new favourite sauce and wondering “did we spell that right”? YES!!! We absolutely did. Morphing two of our favourite sauces into one, we would like to introduce you to “Bearnollandiase Sauce”. This incredibly buttery goodness is the perfect addition to […]

English Muffins

Whether your diet is gluten-free due to celiac disease, by choice, or another gut issue, it really doesn’t matter. There are a few foods you shouldn’t have to live without. We have decided that English muffins is one of them! We fully recognize these round, flat breads may not even […]

Toes in the Sand Smoothie

When toes are in the sand – drink smoothies! This tropical inspired smoothie will take your taste buds to that warm sunny beach any day of the week. The ‘beach’ might be closer then you think. It’s the middle of summer and most of us aren’t travelling further then our […]

CUT Bagels

Have you ever been on the hunt for a GOOD gluten-free bagel? It’s like looking for the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow…do they actually exist? Lol, look no further. We have come up with the easiest, truly simple, bagel recipe. And, it tastes AMAZING!! Our CUT […]

Ham Quiche

We’re not going to lie, we know that when we say “quiche” there’s a lot of different reactions out there! Lol, some of you are super excited, other’s are cringing. But seriously, this ham quiche is SO GOOD!! Not to mention that we all have leftover ham from Easter this […]

Bacon Waffle Pops

Waffles. Bacon. Is there any comfort foods much better? Yes! Waffles and bacon TOGETHER on a stick!! The following is our recipe for gluten-free waffles as well as an answer for dairy-free if you desire. The bacon waffle pop is a fun twist on a traditional waffle. It seems every […]

Chocolate Pancakes

It finally happened, chocolate and pancakes have united to bring you one of the greatest combinations of comfort foods ever. With Valentine’s day right around the corner, we promise you’ll win over any loved one with these delectable pancakes. It won’t matter what age you’re cooking these up for – […]